
Click the Home | Draw | Text or Insert | Draw | Text command to create text in a document. The typeface, size, color, style, alignment, opacity, and background can be set for text blocks.

Drawing Text

To create text:

  1. Click the Home | Draw | Text command to enter text mode. The cursor changes to .

  2. Click where you want text to appear in the document. The Text Editor opens.

  3. Enter text into the Text Editor. Highlight the text to set the text properties. Only text that is highlighted changes text properties.

  4. Click OK in the Text Editor to return to the plot window.

  5. Press the ESC key, click the Text command, or click another command to exit text mode.

Setting Text Properties

Change text properties in the Property Manager when a text box is selected. In the Property Manager next to the Text property, click the button to open the Text Editor and change the text properties. You can also double-click on text to open the Text Editor.

Frame and Margin

The text background frame and margin are set in the Property Manager Text page. The background properties can be changed in the Text page or in the Text Editor. The Frame shape property changes the background shape of the text box from square corners to rounded corners. The Margin property sets the padding between the text and the text box frame. Values range between 0 and 1 inches for the Margin.

Linking Text Objects to Worksheet Cells

Grapher allows you to link text objects to worksheet cells. Once the two items are linked, whenever the text in a specified cell is changed, the text object automatically updates to reflect that change. You can link a text object to a worksheet cell in the Text Editor. When the worksheet cell contains no information, the linked text will appear empty.

See Also

Text Editor

Math Text

Text Properties

Insert Tab Commands

Home Tab Commands