RadiusRangeMax Property

The RadiusRangeMax property returns or sets the bubble plot Maximum range value when the RadiusRange property is set to grfUseFixedRange. Returns a Double.


object.RadiusRangeMax( RadiusRangeMax )


Parameter Type Description
RadiusRangeMax Double required, maximum data value


Example 1

This example shows how to return the bubble plot's Maximum range value.

Debug.Print "RadiusRangeMax = "; XYZBubblePlot.RadiusRangeMax

Example 2

This example shows how to set the bubble plot's Maximum range value to 10.

XYZBubblePlot.RadiusRangeMax = 10


Used by: Auto3DBubblePlot object, AutoBubblePlot object, AutoTernaryBubblePlot