SaveAs Method [Worksheet]

The SaveAs method saves the worksheet. Returns a Boolean.


object.SaveAs( FileName, Options, FileFormat )


Parameter Type Description
FileName String optional, default="", path and file name including the extension, if nothing is specified theFullNameproperty is used.
Options String optional, default="" , used only with the worksheet document. If nothing is specified, the last option used to save the worksheet is used again. Golden Software Data [.DAT] and Microsoft Excel [.XLS] file formats contain options, see below.
FileFormat wksFileFormat optional, default=wksFileFormatUnknown



See Golden Software Data Export Automation Options and Microsoft Excel Export Automation Options for information on worksheet export Options.

Example 1

This example shows how to save the worksheet to a DAT format.


Example 2

This example shows how to save the worksheet to an XLSX format.

Wks.SaveAs(GrapherApp.Path+"\ Samples\savedfromscript.xlsx","",wksFileFormatXlsx)



Used by: Worksheet object