Export Option String

The Export Options string consists of comma-separated parameters that specify the behavior of the various export options. A typical example would be:


This would set the delimiter character to a comma and the text qualifier character to the single-quote mark ( ' ).

Option Action Default
Delimiter Character that separates data cell values. You can use more than one delimiter in the string. For example, "Delimiter=comma,%,tab" comma
TextQualifier Specifies the character that surrounds cells containing text. doublequote


Delimiter values:

tab Enter the word "tab"
comma Enter the word "comma"
semicolon Enter the word "semicolon"
space Enter the word "space"
other Enter the delimiter character in the delimiter list. For example, if your file uses percent signs to delimit data add a "Delimiter=%" to the export options string.


TextQualifier values:

doublequote Enter the word "doublequote"
singlequote Enter the word "singlequote"
none Enter the word "none"
other Enter the text qualifier in the qualifier list. For example, if your file uses percent signs to qualify text add a "TextQualifier=%" to the export options string.

See Also

Import Options String