YPos Property [AutoAxis, AutoPieChart]

The YPos property returns or sets the Y position of a standard, box-whisker, or ternary axis or the Y position of a 2D or 3D pie chart or doughnut plot. Returns a Double.



object.YPos = YPos


Parameter Type Description
YPos Double required, in page units


Example 1

This example shows how to set the Y position of the X axis.

Axis.yPos = 5

Example 2

This example shows how to return the Y position of the X axis.

Debug.Print Axis.yPos

Example 3

This example shows how to set the Y position of the pie chart.

Graph1.yPos = 5.5

Example 4

This example shows how to set the Y position of the doughnut plot.

DoughnutPlot1.yPos = 2.5


Used by: AutoAxis object,  AutoPieChart object