BoxStdVarCount Property

The BoxStdVarCount property returns or sets the edges of the box plot by specifying the number of standard deviations or errors. Returns a Double.



object.BoxStdVarCount = BoxStdVarCount


Parameter Type Description
BoxStdVarCount Double required, number of standard deviations or errors from the mean for the box edges



Set BoxEdgeMethod to grfBEMStdDev or grfBEMStdError to use the BoxStdVarCount property.

Example 1

This example shows how to return the box edge number of standard deviations or errors.

Debug.Print AutoBoxPlot.BoxStdVarCount

Example 2

This example shows how to set the lower and upper box edges to 1 standard deviation.

AutoBoxPlot.BoxStdVarCount = 1


Used by: AutoBoxPlot object