Close Method [AutoExcelWin, AutoWindow]

The Close method closes a window, optionally asking to save changes first. Returns a Boolean with the AutoWindow object.


object.Close( SaveChanges, FileName )


Parameter Type Description
SaveChanges GrfSaveTypes optional, default=grfSaveChangesYes
FileName String optional, default="", path, file name, and file extension. If this is not specified theFullNameproperty is used.



With the AutoWindow object:

  • grfSaveChangesYes prompts you to save changes if this is the last open view on the document and the document has been changed.

  • Returns true if the window was closed.

  • The window may not be closed if grfSaveChangesYes operation was canceled.


This example demonstrates how to automatically save the contents of a window as "test.grf".



Used by: AutoWindow object