Min Property [AutoAxis]

The Min property returns or sets the axis minimum value of a standard axis. Max is used when the axis minimum is not set to automatic. Returns a Double.



object.Min = Min


Parameter Type Description
Min Double required, axis minimum value



The Min property sets the left side maximum for a stiff plot axis. When setting the left axis maximum value, enter the negative of the desired value. For example, to set the stiff plot axis left side to 100, set Min to -100.

The Min and Max properties can be used to set the limits of ternary plot axes. However, no error checking is performed. Ensure the axis limits you specify satisfy the following conditions:

  • XMax + YMin + ZMin = 1

  • XMin + YMax + ZMin = 1

  • XMin + YMin + ZMax = 1

Example 1

This example shows how to set the minimum X axis value.

Axis.Min = 4

Example 2

This example shows how to return the minimum X axis value.

Debug.Print Axis.Min

Example 3

This example shows how to set the left side of a stiff axis to 40 and the right side of the stiff axis to 60.

Axis.Min = -40

Axis.Max = 60


Used by: AutoAxis object