Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format .PDF (Vector) Export Automation Options

Since the Export Options dialog is not displayed when the program is driven from an automation script, an options string can be specified in the script. The string consists of comma-separated parameters, which specify the behavior of the various export options.

Option Action Default Description
MaxBitmapSizeInMB N 10 This option specifies the largest size allowed for an individual image in the PDF file, in Megabytes.  Any exported bitmap larger than this size, will have its resolution reduced so it does not exceed the maximum size.
CompressImages 0 = False 1 = True 1 Compresses images in the PDF to reduce file size.
CompressPages 0 = False 1 = True 1 Compress page streams in the PDF to reduce file size.
EmbedFonts 0 = False
1 = True
0 Embed fonts in the PDF file. When set to 1, the file size increases, but the text in the PDF looks identical to the Grapher file.
FitPage 0 = Use application page size
1 = Fit page around exported objects
0 Sets the size of the PDF to the application page size, if true. Otherwise, PDF page size is set to the size of the exported objects.
SmoothSmallImages 0 = False
1 = True
1 Upscales the image resolution, and therefore file size, for small images less than 1 MB. This smooths the display of small images in the output PDF.

See Also

Adobe Acrobat .PDF File Description

PDF Import Options Dialog

PDF Import Automation Options

PDF Raster Export Options Dialog

PDF Vector Export Options Dialog

PDF Raster Export Automation Options

Export2 - Automation