Esri Shapefile [.SHP] Export Automation Options

Since the Export Options dialog is not displayed when the program is driven from an automation script, an options string can be specified in the script. The string consists of comma-separated parameters, which specify the behavior of the various export options. A typical example would be:


This would first set all export options to their default values, then specify that all areas be output to a separate file.

Option Action Default Description
AreasToFile 0 = No, write points as lines
1 = Yes, write areas as separate file
0 Write areas to separate file.
PointsToFile 0 = No, write points as lines
1 = Yes, write areas as separate file
0 Write points to separate file.
RenderMarkers 0 = No, export as points
1 = Yes, render markers
0 Any marker objects will be converted to areas for export; otherwise markers are exported as points.
RenderText 0 = No, discard text
1 = Yes, render text
0 Any text objects will be converted to areas for export; otherwise text is discarded.
ScalingSource 0 = previously saved
1 = application-supplied
1 Use previously saved or application-supplied scaling source.
SaveScalingInfo 0 = No
1 = Yes
0 Save scaling parameters for later use.
PageLLX N.N   Set application page rectangle lower left X value.
PageLLY N.N   Set application page rectangle lower left Y value.
PageURX N.N   Set application page rectangle upper right X value.
PageURY N.N   Set application page rectangle upper right Y value.
FileLLX N.N   Set scaling rectangle lower left X value.
FileLLY N.N   Set scaling rectangle lower left Y value.
FileURX N.N   Set scaling rectangle upper right X value.
FileURY N.N   Set scaling rectangle upper right Y value.


Note that if Shp_AreasToFile is set to 1, the filename used for the areas file will be the same as the specified export filename with the suffix Poly added to the basename. For example, if the specified export filename is ColoradoHydrography.SHP, the areas file will be ColoradoHydrographyPoly.SHP.

Likewise, if Shp_PointsToFile is set to 1, the filename used for the points file will be the same as the specified export filename with the suffix Pnts added to the basename.

See Also

Esri Shapefile Description

Esri Shapefile Import Automation Options

Esri Shapefile Export Options Dialog