Merge Method

The Merge method combines a worksheet file with the current document. Returns a Boolean.


object.Merge( FileName, Row, Col, Options, FileFormat )


Parameter Type Description
FileName String required, data file name
Row Long optional, default=-1, row of upper left corner to insert data
Col Variant optional, default=-1, column of upper left corner to insert data
Options String optional, default=""
FileFormat wksFileFormat optional, default=wksFileFormatUnknown



The contents of the new file are imported into the existing worksheet at the active cell so be sure to position the cell at the edge of the existing data. Any cells in the existing worksheet that lie to the right of and below the active cell are overwritten with the contents of the new importing file.


This example demonstrates how to import and merge a data file with the current worksheet.

Wks.Merge (GrapherApp.Path+"\Samples\bar chart orientations.dat", 32, 2)


Used by: Worksheet object