
The Align2 method aligns the selected objects within the margins.


object.Align( horzAlign, vertAlign, alignToMargins)


Parameter Type Description
horzAlign Variant optional, horizontal alignment, grfObjectHorzAlign, default = grfHANone
vertAlign Variant optional, vertical alignment, grfObjectVertAlign, default = grfVANone
alignToMargins Variant optional, aligns selected objects according to other parameters. If True, aligns objects to the margins. If False, aligns objects to the bounding box limits of the selected objects according to other parameters.


Example 1

This example demonstrates how to arrange a selection of objects horizontally to the right and vertically to the bottom within the objects' boundary box.

Selection.Align2(grfHARight, grfVABottom)

Example 2

This example demonstrates how to arrange a selection of objects vertically to the top within the margins.

Selection.Align2(grfVATop, grfVANone, True)


Used by: AutoSelection collection