Axes Method

The Axes method returns the axis object interface at index for the axes displayed in the graph magnifier. This method is used to change the display of the axes in the magnifier view. Use the GetXAxis or GetYAxis method to change the axis in the graph appearance.


object.Axes( index )

Parameter Type Description
index integer required, 1-4



Index must be an integer value between 1 and 4. Four is the maximum number of axes that can be displayed in the Graph Magnifier: one axis per edge.

Index values are assigned to axes in the Graph Magnifier in the order in which they are added by the UseAxis Method.

Index 1 is usually the left axis. Index 2 is usually the bottom axis.


This example shows how to change the length of the Major Tickmarks in the right axis to 1.5 page units

Dim GraphMagnifierAxis1 As Object

Set GraphMagnifierAxis1 = GraphMagnifier1.Axes(1)

GraphMagnifierAxis1.MajorLength = 1.5


Used by: AutoGraphMagnifier object