Vertices Property [AutoPolyline]

The Vertices property returns or sets the polyline vertices. Returns an array of Doubles.



object.Vertices = Vertices


Parameter Type Description
Vertices Array of Doubles required, vertex coordinates


Example 1

This example demonstrates how to return the array of the polyline vertices. Since the Vertices array is an outgoing parameter, the value of the elements inside the array can be returned.

Dim Vertices() As Double

Vertices() = PolyLine.Vertices

Dim Element As Integer

For Element = 0 to 7 Step 1

 Debug.Print Vertices(Element)


Example 2

This example demonstrates how to set the vertices of an existing polyline.

Dim coordinates(5) As Double

coordinates(0)=3.44: coordinates(1)=4.06

coordinates(2)=1.10: coordinates(3)=6.39

coordinates(4)=3.44: coordinates(5)=8.73

PolyLine.Vertices = coordinates


Used by: AutoPolyline object