AutoRadarGraph Object
The AutoRadarGraph object controls the settings for radar plots.
Derived from: AutoPlot object (All methods and properties of AutoPlot apply to this object.)
This example shows how to create a radar plot.
Sub Main
'Declares GrapherApp as an object
Dim GrapherApp As Object
'Creates an instance of the Grapher Application
'object and assigns it to the variable named "GrapherApp"
Set GrapherApp = CreateObject("Grapher.Application")
'Makes Grapher visible
GrapherApp.Visible = True
'Declares Plot as an object
Dim Plot As Object
'Creates a plot document in Grapher and
'assigns it to the variable named "Plot"
Set Plot = GrapherApp.Documents.Add(grfPlotDoc)
'Declares Shapes as an object
Dim Shapes As Object
'Assigns the AutoShapes collection to
'the variable named "Shapes"
Set Shapes = Plot.Shapes
'Declares a array of long integers with three indices
Dim Array1(3) As Long
'Assigns a number representing a worksheet column to each index
Array1(0) = 2
Array1(1) = 3
Array1(2) = 4
'Declares RadarGraph as an object
Dim RadarGraph As Object
'Creates the Radar Graph
Set RadarGraph = Plot.Shapes.AddRadarGraph(GrapherApp.Path+"\samples\Tutorial.dat",Array1)
End Sub