Line Property

The Line property returns the AutoLine object. This is a read-only property.



object.Line =Line


Example 1

The following example shows how to change the line style of an ellipse.".3 in. Dash")


Example 2

The following example shows how to return the line width.

Debug.Print Ellipse1.line.width


Used by: Auto3DXYZBarChart object, AutoAxis object, AutoAxisTitle object, AutoBarChart object, AutoBoxPlot object, AutoBubblePlot object, AutoEllipse object, AutoErrorBars object, AutoFitPlot object, AutoFloatingBar object, AutoFunctionPlot object, AutoGraphTitle object, AutoHistogram object, AutoHLPlot object, AutoInsetZoom object, AutoLegend object, AutoLinePlot object, AutoMarker object, AutoMText object, AutoPieChartTitle object, AutoPlotLabels object, AutoPolarBarChart object, AutoPolygon object, AutoPolyline object, AutoRectangle object, AutoRoseDiagram object, AutoScaleTitle object, AutoStiffPlot object, AutoTernaryPlot object