Changing the Symbol Size - Tutorial

By default, legend symbols are the same type and size as the symbols in the plot. You can change the size of a legend symbol in the Legend properties.


To change the legend symbol size to a custom value:

  1. Click on Legend 1 in the Object Manager to select the legend.
  2. In the Property Manager, click on the Entries tab.
  3. Select Site_A in the Entry property in the Individual Entries section.
  4. Use the controls in the Sample size property to set the symbol size to 0.3 inches.

The symbol size for Site A in the legend is now 0.3 inches, i.e. slightly larger than the symbols in the plot.

Note: To change the type of symbol in the legend, you must also change the symbol in the plot by clicking on Site_A in the Object Manager and then clicking on the Symbol property tab. You can change the symbol type, fill, etc., in those properties.


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