Changing the Line/Scatter Plot Properties

You can edit any of the plot properties after the graph has been created. You can edit the columns used to create the plot, the plot line color, the symbol display, and label display, add fill to the plot, or change just about anything you see on the plot.

Every object in a plot has its own set of properties. For example, each axis, legend, and the main plot itself have specific properties that you can define to change dozens of aspects of the plot. The Property Manager contains all of the properties for the selected object on multiple tabs (or pages). A line/scatter plot contains Plot, Data Limits, Error Bars, Title, Labels, Symbol, Line, and Fill property tabs. Click the tab name to open the property page. You may need to click on the or buttons next to the section names to access the properties, as discussed in the Property Manager help topic.

To change the style of the line in the plot:

  1. Select the plot by clicking Site_A in the Object Manager.

  2. In the Property Manager, select the Line page.

  3. Set Style to .1 in. Dash.

  4. In the Plot Line Properties section, set the Width to 0.03 in (0.08 cm).


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